TissueNets HowToBuild

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TissueNets System

In order to use the programs included in the TissueNets system with its python GUI, we need to have the following programs:

Module Name What it does Location What to Build
TissueNets Main TissueNets module, Displays biological networks, Creates Cluto files tissuenets/tissuenets tissuenets.cpp
read_cell_types Extracts all cell types from the input file dynamically tissuenets/read_cell_types read_cell_types.cpp
readtextfile Reads text file and converts it into the XML that could be used by the main module tissuenets/readtextfile readtextfile.cpp
defineNodes Creates Nodes of the network tissuenets/XQUERY-programs defineNodes.XQUERY (no need to build)
kneighbor Creates links based on k-nearest neighbor algorithm (with exact solution) tissuenets/XQUERY-programs kneighbor.XQUERY (no need to build)
defineNetwork Combines nodes and links and forms a network in [XGMML] form tissuenets/XQUERY-programs defineNetwork.XQUERY (no need to build)
defineHistogram Creates histogram data by using the given feature name and the input file (which is formatted in XML) tissuenets/XQUERY-programs defineHistogram.XQUERY (no need to build)
BioNet This is the older version of the main TissueNets module. We use it to create minimum spanning trees (will be removed in the near future) tissuenets/ bionet.cpp
tissuenets-py python GUI for all the programs in the TissueNets system. tissuenets/python-GUI-and-other-windows-programs tissuenets-py.py

How to Run XQUERY Programs

  • Install Java
  • Download and install Saxon-B 9.1 from:


(Click on “Download for Java")

Note that we have included the required Jar files (saxon9 and others) in \trunk\tissuenets\python-GUI-and-other-windows-programs directory. They should be sufficient to run XQUERY programs.

(DO NOT install Saxon-SA 9.1 instead. It is NOT OPEN-SOURCE.)

  • Set the CLASSPATH accordingly so that the required jar files can be found. (If the Jar files are in the current directory, including it in the CLASSPATH will do the job)

To run TissueNets with its Python Interface

  • Change the directory to where you have all the files
  • Type : python tissuenets-py.py
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