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Thumbnail ascDate Name User Size Description Versions
19:51, 30 March 2009Sample1.jpeg (file)Vargun116 KB 1
16:34, 2 April 2009Sample2.jpeg (file)Vargun45 KB 1
17:08, 2 April 2009Sample3.jpeg (file)Vargun122 KB 1
17:48, 2 April 2009Sample4.jpeg (file)Vargun85 KB 1
19:16, 2 April 2009Sample5.jpeg (file)Vargun29 KB 1
19:33, 2 April 2009Step1.jpeg (file)Vargun34 KB 1
19:33, 2 April 2009Step2.jpeg (file)Vargun38 KB 1
19:33, 2 April 2009Step3.jpeg (file)Vargun39 KB 1
17:08, 8 April 2009ClassList.jpg (file)Yuwang258 KB 2
17:30, 8 April 2009ScreenShot.jpg (file)Yuwang57 KB 1
17:59, 8 April 2009Ncu label.jpg (file)Yuwang23 KB 1
18:00, 8 April 2009Ncu.jpg.jpg (file)Yuwang12 KB 1
18:01, 8 April 2009Ncu.jpg (file)Yuwang12 KB 1
19:57, 9 April 2009CTM.png (file)Roysam31 KB 1
21:39, 9 April 2009Image-CTM.png (file)Roysam31 KB (Short list of object morphologies frequently observed in fluorescence cell / tissue imagery: B = Blobs; T = Tubes; S = Shells; F = Foci/ punctae; P = Plates; C = Clouds; M = Man-made objects.)1
17:27, 10 April 2009Sample vessel image.jpg (file)Arun785 KB (A 2-D projection of a 3-D vessel image stack from the cortex of rat brain. Resolution: 0.36um x 0.36um x 1.5um. Original image size : 1024 x 1024 x 77 voxels^3.)1
17:31, 10 April 2009Sample vessel image1.jpg (file)Arun128 KB 1
18:14, 10 April 2009Sample segmentation.jpg (file)Arun318 KB 1
18:19, 10 April 2009Sample segmentation overlaid.jpg (file)Arun845 KB 1
18:19, 10 April 2009Sample confidence map.jpg (file)Arun172 KB 1
18:19, 10 April 2009Sample curvature map.jpg (file)Arun412 KB 1
13:28, 14 April 2009Flow.png (file)Roysam204 KB (Illustrating the main image analysis steps implemented in FARSIGHT. )1
14:17, 14 April 2009ND-Image.png (file)Roysam32 KB (Multi-dimensional Image, split by channel & time. )1
15:49, 14 April 2009Gold-std.png (file)Roysam116 KB (Classical validation strategy relies upon comparing automated image analysis results to a "gold standard" or "reference" segmentation that is believed to the correct answer. Deviations from this correct answer indicate algorithm deficiencies that can be q)1
16:06, 14 April 2009MultiObserver.png (file)Roysam194 KB (Multiple observer consensus based validation.)1
16:27, 14 April 2009EditBased1.png (file)Roysam138 KB (Edit based validation of "good" algorithms that have a sufficiently low error rate to begin with.)1
21:31, 15 April 2009PACE.png (file)Roysam183 KB (PACE: Pattern analysis aided cluster editing - the streamlined protocol for efficient validation in FARSIGHT)2
17:44, 18 April 2009Nuc seg flow chart.png (file)Yousef39 KB (Flow chart outlining the main steps in the nuclear segmentation algorithm)1
06:19, 19 April 2009New 5F render fig.png (file)Yousef983 KB 1
15:44, 20 April 2009Haralick.jpg (file)Yuwang44 KB 4
15:47, 20 April 2009Haralick.PNG (file)Yuwang43 KB 1
15:49, 20 April 2009Haralick.JPG (file)Yuwang59 KB 1
19:34, 20 April 2009Render.png (file)Isaac583 KB (3D 5-Label Result Rendering)1
20:02, 20 April 2009C1-Montage.png (file)Luisij949 KB (Trace with the original image overlay )1
21:46, 20 April 2009CompoundEditing.png (file)Luisij147 KB 1
21:52, 20 April 2009CellClassification.png (file)Yuwang93 KB 1
00:30, 21 April 2009CellClassification.PNG (file)Yuwang39 KB 2
00:37, 21 April 2009Channels.PNG (file)Yuwang259 KB 1
02:54, 21 April 2009TwoChannels.PNG (file)Yuwang32 KB 1
03:23, 21 April 2009PCAAnalysis.PNG (file)Yuwang8 KB 1
02:21, 24 April 2009Cayouette 25 51.gif (file)Cohena21.43 MB 8
15:53, 24 April 2009Model-view.PNG (file)Isaac16 KB (Model/View Programming Graphic)1
16:33, 24 April 2009Zprj-spine10-crop1-rev.png (file)Hussein42 KB 1
16:45, 24 April 2009MIN spine1-deconvolved.png (file)Hussein71 KB (Reverted to version as of 16:41, 24 April 2009)4
16:59, 24 April 2009Group merge.png (file)Isaac144 KB 2
17:06, 24 April 2009Outliers.png (file)Isaac51 KB 1
19:34, 24 April 2009WormInteractionModel.jpg (file)Tenickat55 KB (The Algorithm which describes the Worm Project. Adapted from N. Roussel's work on Tracking and Segmenting C. elegans)1
19:48, 24 April 2009FarsightScreenshotForCelegans.jpg (file)Tenickat189 KB 1
01:17, 25 April 2009Flowchart.png (file)Hussein17 KB (Spine segmentation algorithm)1
02:23, 25 April 2009Res spine1-deconvolved.png (file)Hussein91 KB 1

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