FARSIGHT Tutorials/Building Software/Bio-Formats/Downloading Jace

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Jace is a set of C++ and Java libraries and programs that simplify and empower calling into Java code via JNI from C++. It is used to provide a set of C++ proxy classes corresponding to the Bio-Formats Java library classes.

Downloading Jace

Check out the Jace source code:

svn co -r 39 https://jace.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jace/trunk /path/to/jace

Where /path/to/jace is the desired location of your Jace source code checkout.

The "-r 39" matters, since Jace revisions 40 and later may not work with bf-cpp. As of this writing, the most recent revision was 52, and it does not compile on some systems. We currently recommend revision 39.

If you attempt to use revision 46 or later, the Jace directory structure is different, and you will need to edit two paths:

  1. jace-java.dir in build.properties
  2. JACE_CPP_DIR in jace/Prerequisites.cmake

The above command assumes you have the svn command line tool for Subversion installed. It should also work fine to plug in the above information to any graphical Subversion client (e.g., TortoiseSVN).

Do not worry about compiling the Jace code; it will happen as part of the Bio-Formats C++ bindings build.

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