ITK Pre-Processing Algorithm Wrappers in Python/GrayscaleErodeFilter

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Grayscale Erode filter

This filter is implemented using the itkGrayscaleErodeImageFilter class in ITK. For each pixel, the filter finds the minimum of the pixels in a certain neighbourhood (defined by a structuring element). On application of this filter, some of the small structures and/or anomalies in the image may dissapear, and the image tends to look less bright than the original image. The default structuring element used is the Binary Ball structuring element (implemented using the itkBinaryBallStructuringElement class in ITK).


  • Radius - this specifies the radius of the structuring element to be used. Larger the value of the radius, larger the objects that may disappear on erosion. Fig. 1 shows how small anomalies are removed from seg_orig when applying the Grayscale erode filter with radius 1. Fig. 2 shows further how objects shrink in size after applying the grayscale erode filter with radius 3.

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Fig. 1: Grayscale eroded image of seg_orig with radius 1
Fig. 2: Grayscale eroded image of seg_orig with radius 3
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