FARSIGHT Tutorials/Building Software/Building ITK

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This tutorial describes how to build ITK with the options required for using it along with FARSIGHT. In particular it includes instructions on how to build the Python wrapping using WrapITK.


Before you proceed with this step you should have

  • Installed CMake (Click Here for details)
  • Installed Python (Click Here for details)
  • Build Cable Swig (Click Here for details)
  • Available Disk Space of (at least) 1 Gb)

Download ITK

The source code of ITK can be downloaded from

New releases of ITK are posted every three months.

Please use the most recent release of the software.


Define SOURCE, BINARY and INSTALLATION directories

CMake uses the concept of SOURCE, BINARY and INSTALLATION directories

  • The SOURCE directory, in this case, is the directory where you put the source code of ITK
  • The BINARY directory, in this case, is the directory where you want to compile and build ITK
  • The INSTALLATION directory, in this case, is the directory where you want to install

This is known as "out of source" building and it is strongly recommended as a good practice, as opposed to the "in-source" building where you could mix the binary and source directories into a single one, and generate great confusion and future suffering.

The build process involves reading the source code from the SOURCE directory and compiling it into libraries that are deposited in the BINARY directory, and finally installing the minimal set of components required for run-time into and INSTALLATION directory.

GNU/Linux & Mac

Create Directories

For the sake this tutorial, lets assume that you are using

  • SOURCE directory = $HOME/src/Insight
  • BINARY directory = $HOME/bin/InsightWithPython

That means that you expanded the source code of ITK in the directory "$HOME/src/Insight" and that you manually created the directory "$HOME/bin/InsightWithPython" with a command such as

  mkdir InsightWithPython

Select Compiler

Select your compiler by setting the environment varialbles CC and CXX

For example, if you are using zsh:

  export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.1
  export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.1   

or if you are using bash:

  setenv CC  /usr/bin/gcc-4.1
  setenv CXX /usr/bin/g++-4.1   

Please note that you should use the SAME compiler in order to build all the libraries and projects.

You want to use the explicit name of the compiler along with its version (gcc-4.1) as opposed to the generic name of the compiler (gcc). In this way, if you later update your compiler in this computer, your build of ITK will still use the proper compiler consistently.

Run ccmake

Then you should move into the BINARY directory run "ccmake" in order to configure ITK. When you run "ccmake" you provide the SOURCE directory as an argument.

  cd  InsightWithPython
  ccmake   $HOME/src/Insight

This will show an image similar to:

Insight CMake configuration

hit the "c" key in order to "configure". At this point CMake will test the capabilities of your compiler, after a couple of minutes it will show you an image similar to:

Insight CMake configuration

Proceed to do the following:

  • Turn OFF the option BUILD_EXAMPLES
  • Turn OFF the option BUILD_TESTING
  • Turn ON the option BUILD_SHARED
  • Write "Release" in the option CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
  • In the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX write the INSTALLATION directory
  • Hit the "c" key again in order to configure with these changes

CMake will then show you a screen similar to:

Insight CMake configuration

  • Now pass to the advance variables by hitting the "t" key (for "toggle to advanced") and
  • Hit the "/" key (for "search") and type "REVIEW" in order to jump to the option that can turn ON the use of new packages in ITK
  • Turn ON the option ITK_USE_REVIEW
  • Hit the "/" key (for "search") and type "WRAP_ITK" in order to jump to the option that can turn wrapping ON
  • Turn ON the option USE_WRAP_ITK

Windows with Visual Studio

Select Compiler

If you have multiple versions of Visual Studio installed, CMake will offer you the option of selecting one of the installed versions. You MUST use the exact same version that you used for building CableSwig. (See: Building CableSwig)

Run CMakeGui

Once the GUI application appears you should specify the

  • SOURCE directory at the top of the GUI in the "Where is the source code" field
  • BINARY directory in the field below, marked as "Where to build the binaries".

The CMake window will look similar to:

Initial CMake GUI for building ITK

Hit the Configure button. The the CMake gui will look like:

(add screenshot)

Do the following:

  • Turn OFF the option BUILD_EXAMPLES
  • Turn OFF the option BUILD_TESTING
  • Turn ON the option BUILD_SHARED
  • Write "Release" in the option CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
  • In the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX write the INSTALLATION directory
  • Hit the Configure button again in order to configure with these changes

CMake will then show you a screen similar to:

  • Now pass to the advance variables by selecting the drop-down menu at the right of the "search" field. The default option is "Simple View", select now "Advanced View"
  • In the "search" field type "REVIEW" in order to jump to the option that can turn ON the use of new packages in ITK
  • Turn ON the option ITK_USE_REVIEW
  • In the "search" field type "WRAP_ITK" in order to jump to the option that can turn wrapping ON
  • Turn ON the option USE_WRAP_ITK
  • Hit the Configure button again in order to bring up the options related to Wrapping.
  • In the "search" field type "WRAP_ITK_PYTHON" in order to jump to the option that can turn wrapping ON
  • Turn ON the option WRAP_ITK_PYTON

At this point the following CMake variables should be populated


You do not need the PYTHON_DEBUG_LIBRARY, since you should build the wrapping for Release mode.

You may see values such as

CMake Variable Example value
PYTHON_EXECUTABLE C:/Program Files/Python2.5/python.exe
PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH C:/Program Files/Python2.5/include
PYTHON_LIBRARY C:/Program Files/Python2.5/libs/python25.lib





Finding the Solution File

A solution file should have been created by CMake in your BINARY directory.

Depending on your version of Visual Studio, look for

  • ITK.dsw or
  • ITK.sln

Open the solution file in your Visual Studio IDE. Make sure that is the same version of Visual Studio that you selected during the CMake configuration.

Selecting Compilation Mode

Toward the top of the IDE you will find a drop-down menu that let you choose between multiple compilation modes (for example: Debug, Release, RelDebInfo...).

Select Release in this menu.

Building the Solution

Then start the build by hitting the F7 or by going to the Build menu and selecting Build Solution

The build process may take a couple of hours depending on the capabilities of your computer.

This is an excellent time for reading the rest of the Tutorial, for example the Quick Start (30 minutes)

Setting up the Environment

GNU/Linux & Mac

Set the following environment variables

Here is an example of the setting for a GNU/Linux build where ITK was installed in the "$HOME/local" directory

 export ITKWRAPPEDINSTALLED=$HOME/local/WrapITK/lib/InsightToolkit


You will define several environment variables. Depending on your version of windows this is done in slightly different ways.

In Windows XP you can do

  • In the Start menu, select "My Computer"
  • In the new window that opens, right click and select "Properties"
  • In the new window that opens, select the "Advanced" tab
  • In the Advanced tab, click on the "Environment Variables"
  • Select the PATH variable and add to it the INSTALLATION directory (where you installed ITK). You will use a ";" to separate this directory from others that may already exist in the list.


In order to verify if your build and installation is working correctly you can do the following

  • Start the Python command line interpreter
    • In GNU/Linux and Mac this is done by simply typing "python"
    • In Windows this is done by launching from the Start menu the program "Python (command line)"
  • Once the command line window appears, type
    • import itk
    • This may take some seconds while the shared libraries are loaded.
  • If you don't get any error messages, then your build and configuration have been successful and you can proceed to start enjoying ITK for your image processing needs.

Continue with the Quick Start (30 minutes) tutorial session.

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